Hi SIS Family and Friends,

Our teachers and staff are always hard at work teaching our kids and are helping to build a beautiful community.  Because of their ongoing efforts to create the best learning environments they can, we asked each teacher what their classroom wishes were. With this information, the PTC is again doing WINTER WISHES.  

We are asking for your help in spoiling our wonderful teachers and staff.  Here are a few ways you can help:

  1. At pick up and drop off you can find cute winter tags hanging in the front windows at the school. Each tag has a teacher's name and an item they would love written on them.  You can take the tag(s) off the window, purchase the item(s), and then bring it back to the teacher.  Items include hot wheels, potting soil, stickers for K-4, bookmarks, dumbbells, cornhole sets, and much more. Here is a list of tags that are hung at the school, please remove or strike through an item if you purchase it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zzbeOTC6xtg6qHdex3H-uYqGDy3fz_lH69EzOp9Uq7E/edit?usp=sharing
  2. You can check out the teachers Amazon Wishlists.

Teacher Name

Amazon Wish List Link

Miss Mashell - Art 


Miss JoJo - PE


Mrs V- Kindergarten


Miss Roberts - 4th grade


Ms Schwartz - 5th grade


Thank you for helping us spoil our teachers!