About Us
PTC and Volunteers
Sauvie Island Potluck Picnic: Sept. 15th, 4-6pm @ The Grange
PTC Meeting: Sept. 19th, 7-8pm in the cafeteria and on Zoom
Picture Day: October 29th
Welcome back volunteer community, we hope your school year is off to a great start! We would like to welcome Mashell Pastorino as one of the Volunteer Coordinators this year, she will be joining Kelli Magnia. Most of you know Mashell from her previous roles at SIS as Art Teacher from 2022-2024 and PTC member and President. We are so happy to have her here helping us coordinate all of our volunteer needs, it is going to be a great year!
Please be on the lookout for upcoming volunteer shout outs and sign ups coming your way. We have quite a few fun events on the horizon that will need volunteer support to run. Upcoming events include the Jog-a-thon on October 9th and the annual SIS Harvest Fest on November 7th.
A reminder that all volunteers need to have a clear/up to date background check on file with the school office. Please reach out if you are unsure if yours is up to date and we can verify for you. These need to be renewed every two years. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at volunteers@sauvieislandschool.org.
Kelli Magnia and Mashell Pastorino
SIS Volunteer Coordinators
The first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year will be September 19th at 7pm in the SIS cafeteria. Please join us in person or via Zoom: https://sauvieislandschool-org.zoom.us/j/87398095169
The meeting schedule for this school year will shift slightly to the first Tuesday of the month. Any changes to the schedule will be communicated here and on the app.
Meet our neighbors! The annual All-Island Potluck Picnic is happening this Sunday! Bring a dish to share and canned food to donate. See you there!
Olympian Club Notice
Due to staffing issues, Sauvie Island Community Church will not be able to have Olympian Club this year. However, we are in the process of planning some events the whole family can enjoy. Please check back later for more details. We will miss all of you. Have a great year!
SafeOregon and the Oregon State Police remind students, parents, school staff, and community members that everyone plays a role in school safety. SafeOregon is a school safety tip line to report potential threats against students and schools confidentially or anonymously.
SafeOregon asks that if you see or hear something concerning to let someone know. Tips may be submitted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week:
Call or text: 844-472-3367
Email: tip@safeoregon.com
Website: www.safeoregon.com
Download the mobile app
All tips are immediately received by a tip line technician and are forwarded to designated school personnel or law enforcement to respond to reported incidents.
SafeOregon receives tips focused on school safety, including:
Safety threats
Violence or threats of violence
Drugs, alcohol, or weapons on campus
Bullying, harassment, or intimidation
Friends or peers discussing self-harm or suicide
Call 911 for situations requiring an immediate emergency response. It is a violation of Oregon law to make false reports to SafeOregon. For more information about SafeOregon, visit our website at safeoregon.com.
Busses, Arrivals and Departures: Please arrive at the bus hub by 7:45am. Halls open at 8:20, school begins at 8:25. Please do not leave students in the parking lot unattended!
School dismissal is at 3pm, 2pm on Wednesdays. Any changes to your child's pick-up routine must be made with Ann at the front dest at least one hour prior to dismissal.
Please check Lost & Found for any missing treasures! It's only the 2nd week of school, but lost belongings are already piling up!
You can access old newsletters by going to Documents-->About Us-->SIS newsletter in your SIS App
The Sauvie Island Grange is available to all as a rental space for private parties, meetings and gatherings. You can rent the building by the hour or half-day. The hall space can be rented separately from the kitchen or together based on need. Grange members thoroughly sanitize the hall and kitchen before scheduled use. Please visit this link for more specifics on rentals or contact Katherine Topaz at 503-708-0008.
Download the new Sauvie Island app today! Visit the iOS App Store or Android Play and enable notifications.
Visit Facebook and Instagram for important updates and photos of activities! Visit our new website to see what's going on!